Tuesday, October 6

The weekend ;

has been really long ,
and fun , of course :)
not to mention nostalgic ;
i met some of my friends from my primary school ,
god , how i miss them .

namely ;
assyifa , nadia , habibah
and a lot more (:

anywaaaay ,
on Saturday , i went with izni to
the twins' open house :),
sorry natasha and ain coz i cant come to yours :(

on Sunday ,
went to azim's ,
and then to syakirah's :)

hanan cant come with us ,
so we (me and aidil) were answering questions like ,
'mana hanan ?'
all day ,
and if they (OH GOD)
asked why ,
we have to explain to them and everything .
haha , i assure you , its a long story (:

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