I'm in bold ; Hanan is the one in blue.
SW is hot ;)
I don't agree.
btw, belanda is under Eropah eh?
errrr nooo.
Haha rawrrrrrr ;DD
He's hot, I'm allowed to be gatal :D
So? Break them up, there's always jampi.
Haha, siot la ko x)
mmm, TL is hot :D
more like NOT.
o.O jampi jadi ke?
Jampi works for me *shrugs. Oh wait, do you see
Taste ko je pelik.
So? Ko punya pelik-er.
HAHA, ajar aku weh. me wanna jampi too :l
Senang je, rub poison Ivy on her bed.
At least the pelik-er types are hot AND available :D
TL x hot, SW x available -_-
& haha (sarcastic)
jampi tu tak mujarab la...
HAHAHA, what brings that on? Oh & what happened to C? TL is hot (burning, honey) in my eyes. And I already took care of SW's girlfriend. That'd teach her to mess with my man (:
I guess I never really, you know, got over him (JFK I mean) oh C? ntah la. who cares? in your eyes jea. and your eyesight kn blur-blur so can't trust your judgement x) & for 'your man' haha, good for you. Though you have to buat jampi to make him actually talk to you. haha XD
Blablabla, talks are boring. WE don't ever need to talk. We're busy doing something else. (ignoring you about the eyesight thingy -.-)
JFK? want me to help? :D
Haha, like DOING IT? :O woah, hebat doe :p
oh, nvm. (menyesal bgtau ko lak)
EW NO. Just staring into each other's eyes mmm..
Cmon, I'm offering my services for almost free :D
Haha, you'd probably go and tegur him 'hanan' or something -_-
I'm not THAT immature.
Yeah, you're more immature than that.
I am not laaaa =.=
I'll do that in msn, not face to face . Idiot.
I KNOW LAAAA, that's what I meant. Whose the idiot now?
Finefine, can I post this whole convo thingy inside my blog. It's funny.
Haha, okay. I don't think they'll understand though.
Haha, I'm not scanning it, retyping everything XD
AHHHHHH, now is Sejarah !!!!!!!!!
Oh orait, are you gonna put the part about you asking me whether you can put this thing in your blog too?
btw, your shoelaces are untied & yeah, break a leg.
Yeap. All of it. Oh it's always untied. You too.
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